Ch. Zuleika Le Bombe
Sire: Ch Lempo The Great Gatsby
Dam: Ch Armahani Iolite Ilo (AI) HT
prcd-PRA: Clear/Normal
CMR3: Clear/Normal
DM: Clear/Normal
GSD-II: Clear/Normal
DOB: 29th September 2019
Colour: Black & Tan
Registration: 7100044599
Hips: 6/8
Elbows: 0/0
Eyes: Clear June 2021
Cardio: Clear November 2019
Theo was the black sheep of the litter in every way. As the only Black & Tan amongst seven creams, he was chilled out and apparently aware of his difference. I had really wanted to keep a girl, but since there weren't any I was wavering on whether to keep him or not. Then fate intervened. Theo has gone to be loved by my next-door neighbour's daughter, Mia. But will also join me in the show ring. I get to have my cake and eat it too!
Theo has now been neutered and will hopefully be reentering the ring soon in the neuter class.
Best in Group (BIG1) winner
First 'Zuleika' Champion