It must be school holidays again! And there is a lot to catch up on... Liina (Ch. Armahani Moonstone Movtta (ai)) has really hit her stride in these past three months. The week after the last news post she took her third Runner-up Best in Group (BIG2), under Stephen Schwerdt (SA). Then at our next show, only two weeks later, she finally cracked her first Best in Group (BIG1), but she wasn't done for the day, converting it to Best in Show 2nd. We can't thank Ms Kaye McGhie (Qld) enough for this award. Liina was only 17 months at the time. So this was a huge achievement for such a young Lappie girl.

The following shows she moved up to the Intermediate class, taking Best Intermediate in Group at each. Then the big one, on June 26, where she took Best in Specialty Show at the Working Dog Club of Tasmania, under Pembroke Corgi breeder Valerie Joan Hutton (NSW). To say we are thrilled with this win is an understatement. To be recognised by all-breeds judges is lovely, but it is always that little bit special to win at specialties.
Liina backed this win up with Best in Group (BIG1) at the next show, under Miss Bev Watt (Vic).

In his first appearance since March 2020, Benni (Sup Ch. Armahani Heliodorr Hulivili (ai) ET) came out to compete in Veteran Sweepstakes the day after his 7th birthday. And step out in style he did, coming First under judge Mrs Maxine Bellingham.
He then came out a month later for the Working Dog Club of Tasmania shows, taking Best in Group (BIG1) under Working Dog specialist Daniel Aitchison (Tas). On the same day he was also presented with his sash for being Runner-up Working Dog of the Year 2019/20.
This was a lovely note to officially retire Benni from the all breeds rings. He will now only come out for specialties and sweepstakes.
My daughter Lillian and Fleur (Ch. Neut Ch. Armahani Iolite Ilo (AI) HT) have been having a lovely time in the ring together. They have take several Best Neuter in Groups and a Runner-up Best Neuter in Show, but the highlight was Best Neuter in Show under Adrian Jones (Tas), in May.
Lillian and Fleur also competed in the Tasmanian Junior Handlers State Final together. For her 'swap dog' in the second round, Lillian handled an Australian Silkie Terrier. After being put through her paces with both dogs, Lillian was awarded first in the 7-U10 age group. We could not be more proud of how beautifully she worked with both dogs.

Theo (Zuleika Le Bombe) hasn't been to many shows but has added a few more points towards his champion title. He is now being expertly handled by my sister, Anita Houghton. They make a great team.
